101 Facts That Will Make You Want To Travel To Egypt
5 years agoon
DelvinOn This Page you will find Interesting Facts That Will Make You Want To Travel To Egypt:
- The Great Pyramid of Giza weighs about 6.5 million tons
- The Ancient Egyptians were the first to have a 365 day year divided into 12 months. They invented clocks, too.
- Whale bones are fossilized in the Wadi Al Hitan Valley. The valley is also known as “Whale Valley”.
Egypt is the world’s largest producer of artichoke and dates all thanks to the river Nile.
- You can find man-made sites in the Sahara desert such as the various monuments of the Samir Lama, abandoned WW2 trucks and landing strips
- Every single Egyptian president was either arrested by the army or died in office
- The Ancient Egyptians are thought to have been among the first to discover the first methods of contraception in this case women would use crocodile feces and honey as an efficient spermicide
- It is believed that the shape of ancient Egyptian pyramids was influenced by the sun’s spreading rays.
- An Egyptian father named his newborn daughter “Facebook” in commemoration of Facebook’s role in the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. Her name is Jamal Ibrahim, Facebook Jamal Ibrahim.
- About 90% of Egyptians are Muslims (mainly Sunnis), 9% are Coptics and 1% are Christians.
Top 10 Exciting Places to Visit in Egypt in 2020
- Between the fourth and sixth centuries, Christianity was Egypt’s main religion.
- The longest reign in history was Pharaoh Pepi II (2246-2152 B.C.)-94 years. When he was just six years old, he became the king of Egypt.
- Pharaoh Pepi II was allegedly sprinkled honey on the naked slaves, drawing flies from him.
- Egypt is said to be one of the oldest countries in the World.
- Only an inch per year of rain in Egypt falls on average.
Interesting Facts That Will Make You Want To Travel To Egypt:
- Giraffe tail swatters have been a popular fashion item in ancient Egypt.
- Bread was the most important food for ancient Egyptians and beer was their favorite drink. Brewer models were even kept in graves to ensure that the deceased had a lot of beer in the world to come.
- 12% of the labor force in Egypt is contributed by tourism.
- To stay cool and stop lice, both men and women shaved their heads in ancient Egypt, sometimes wearing wigs. In addition, since wigs had a social status, they became one of the most popular fashion accessories in ancient Egypt. Rich people wore wigs of human hair and poor people wore wigs of wool or fur.
- 2200 years ago Eratosthenes, without ever leaving Egypt, measured the Earth’s diameter by math. He was extremely precise. He was later studied by Christopher Columbus.
- Hillary Clinton was covered in tomatoes and shoes (thrown by protesters) during a visit to Egypt in 2012 while the demonstrators chanted Monica, Monica.
- In ancient Egypt, men were able to take time off to take care of daughters and wives.
- For 43 years, a woman in Egypt disguised herself as a man to give a better life to her daughter by working as a man.
- The Ancient Egyptians treated cats as a sacred animal. Several families wished that they kept a cat as a pet, and hoped they would bring good luck to the household!
- The murder of a cat, even by mistake, in Ancient Egypt, was punished for death.
- Contrary to popular belief, there are countries out there with more pyramids than Egypt, for Example, Sudan. Which are also neighboring countries
- There is 795 sq km of unclaimed land at the border between Egypt and Sudan.
- Other than beers being kept in Tombs in Ancient Egypt, toilets were also found.
Top 10 Exciting Places to Visit in Egypt in 2020
- Egypt has a population of about 98 million people and covers an area of about 1.01 million km²
- For the Egyptians, the afterlife was extremely important. Egyptians claimed their souls would live forever in the afterlife by preserving the body of one dead person, which they did in the process of mummification.
- The ancient Egyptian Mummy bandages could stretch for 1,6 km, unwrapped.
- Ancient Egyptians invented so much, like paper, pens, locks and keys and toothpaste, that still remains useful to us today.
Interesting Facts That Will Make You Want To Travel To Egypt:
- The capital city of Egypt is Cairo.
- Cairo is the largest city in African with an estimated population of about 22 Million.
- Other than Cairo, Giza and Alexandria are also major cities in Egypt.
- Here is the Flag of Egypt
- The Pyramids were not built by slaves as many people believe, but they were built by paid laborers.
- Old Egyptians had so many gods that each city had its own favorite deity literally.
- Aswan high dam is the largest dam in the world, which is designed to contain the rushing waters of the Nile.
- Egypt’s official language is Arabic, however, many citizens also understand English or French.
- Hippos had been known as bad omens and had to do with the evil god Seth. They were more dangerous than the crocodiles and boats traveling the Nile were often capsized by them.
- The River Nile, which is the longest river in the world flows through Egypt.
- Makeup in Ancient Egypt was thought to have healing powers and it also helped to protect the skin from the sun. Egyptian men and ladies wore make-up. Weird right?
- The Sahara and the Libyan Desert are two major desert regions in Egypt, covering most parts of the county.
Hope you liked our Interesting facts about Egypt!
Merry Christmas Wishes Text For Lover:
Looking for Merry Christmas Love Messages? We’re here to help you write beautiful Christmas messages for your lover, so you can share them with your boyfriend or girlfriend and make her feel extremely happy and fall in love with you even more.
Be sure to pick from the cute Merry Christmas dedications for your girlfriend that you’ll find below, those that are a faithful reflection of your feelings.
Merry Christmas Wishes Text For Lover
With the gift of your love, Christmas becomes even more special and makes me feel much happier. Babe, Merry Christmas!
Christmas Eve is always going to be a really special time, and now it’s going to be a lot more because I’m going to celebrate with you. I love you so much.
I’ve been dreaming of being with you this Christmas for a long time, and now it’s going to become a reality. I love you, baby!
Christmas Eve is going to be the best time to tell you everything that you mean to me and how much I love you. Ok, I wish you a very happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas Love Messages for Whatsapp
It’s so funny that last Christmas I asked Santa Claus to send me the most beautiful, tender, and intelligent girl in the world to be my girlfriend, and now you’re on my side. Merry Christmas my Love!
Thank you for all the precious things you’ve done for me this year. With all my love, I wish you a happy Christmas.
You are the most beautiful woman in this world, and with your love, you will make the stars shine brighter this Christmas Eve. Happy Holidays, yes!
I am dying to hold you in my arms, to wish you a Merry Christmas, and to kiss you with all my affection.
Christmas is to share with the ones we love the most, that’s why I want you to be with me this Christmas. I Love You!
I feel so proud and grateful to have a girlfriend as beautiful as you have on my side. I wish you a wonderful Christmas.
Places to Visit This Christmas
Best romantic Christmas messages for your Girlfriend
Your eyes are as stunning as your face is. And your smile is as good as your kisses are. Merry Christmas to you, my dear!
You are a Christmas gift that I never want to forget. Merry Christmas to my beloved.
I want to ask God this Christmas to make our love last forever so that we can be together for the rest of our lives. I love you
The happiest times in my life are when I’m with you. Merry Christmas sweetheart!
A sweet wish from me to you, sealed with a kiss, there’s nothing so important, there’s nothing I want to leave, I love you so much, Merry Christmas to my beloved.
Merry Christmas, my sweetheart. I appreciate you a lot.
Christmas is the best time to give you my love, to make you happy, and to conquer your heart ever more. Happy Holidays, baby!
I’ve been dreaming about how to spend Christmas with you for a long time, but now I know what we need is to be together, to share our love. Happy Christmas Eve, yes!
Your love comforts my heart, making this Christmas Eve the happiest of all. Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
I want this Christmas to bring new aspirations to your life and a lot of joy to our relationship. Let’s enjoy the holidays forever.
I can spend a thousand Christmas just staring into your stunning eyes. I don’t need to say anything; my eyes are going to tell you how much I love you!
If every day is special to express our love, you don’t want to know how much fun we’ll have if we spend Christmas together. With love, I wish you a happy holiday.
My friends laughed when I told them I didn’t need anything at Christmas. Although you might ask me why, the answer is clear. Ok, I already have you.
No matter where you go, you’ll never meet someone who loves you as much as I do, because I’m your best half. Merry Christmas, sweetie!
Being with you every day makes me happy, and even on nights like this, as we both watch fireworks light up the sky on Christmas. I love you so much.
I wish you a merry Christmas baby with lots of love in my heart.
I Feel especially thankful at this time of year. And you’re at the top of the list of explanations for this.
God never made a mistake when He made you, you’re unbelievable, talented, kind, gorgeous, and with a big heart. I wish you a very happy Christmas for my love.
During the Christmas holidays, I’m grateful that there are people by my side who love me and respect me. Thank you so much for being with me. I love you so much, my love, and I hope that you will have a happy Christmas holiday.
We’ve been through numerous ups and downs. Here’s to see Christmas as one of the last bastions of a year spent in the gorgeous company.
Best romantic Christmas messages for your Boyfriend
You’re the best Christmas present a woman might ever wish for. Thank you for fulfilling my Christmas wishes!
With a guy like you in my life this Christmas, I feel more excited than ever to enjoy the joy and wonder of this special season.
You are my Christmas dream come true. I appreciate you more than I will ever think. Have a great Christmas, sweetheart!
Our love shines brighter than the star on the top of the Christmas tree. May this Christmas and New Year be the best we have ever had together! There’s no one I’d rather consider this holiday season than you.
If you see me smiling at a Christmas party, or grinning around a fireplace, or having fun fixing up the tree, you should know this: it’s all because of you. You’re the reason I’m laughing and the reason I’m looking forward to the future. Merry Christmas to you.
Let’s forget the formalities, the presents, the turkey meal this Christmas. What I need is a fireplace and your arms are wrapped around me. Let’s watch the movies all night and kiss before we fall asleep because nothing is more special than your presence. I hope to give the best Christmas of your life!
Hope you Like our Merry Christmas Wishes Text For Lover!
No, West Africa is not a country but it is the westernmost region of Africa. West Africa simply is not a country because it has no military or political system in its own right or similar to that of other countries.
Since Africa is such a large landmass, it helps to name countries a part of a region instead of using the general phrase of Africa.
There are five regions in total in Africa: Southern Africa, East Africa, West Africa, Equatorial Africa, and the African Transition Zone.
West Africa has a total of 16 countries with a total population of about 381 million people.
- Benin
- Burkina Faso
- Cabo Verde (Cape Verde)
- Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
- The Gambia
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Liberia
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Senegal
- Sierra Leone
- Togo
Learn About East Africa
Here are some facts about West African Countries:
- The last ship of slaves departed from Benin(then known as Dahomey) for Brazil in 1885.
- The capital city of Burkina Faso is known as Ouagadougou which means “You are welcome here at home with us”.
- More than 85% of the population is Roman Catholic and 95% of the population is Christian.
- “Les Eléphants” (the elephants) is the nickname given to the Ivory Coast National Football team.
- During elections, people cast their votes in The Gambia by dropping stones in holes.
- Sheikh Professor Doctor President is the official title of the Gambian president.
- The discovery of gold in Ghana led to the nickname, the Gold Coast.
- French is the official language in Guinea.
- Soccer is Guinea-Bissau’s most popular sport.
- Guinea has Africa’s cleanest cities.
- Liberia is the first independent country in Africa. Liberia. The freed American slaves discovered it when they arrived in 1820.
- The Great Mosque of Djenne in Mali is the largest mud-brick building in the world.
- Niger is considered one of the hottest countries in the world and is often nicknamed the “Frying Pan of the World.”
- Nigeria is one of the oldest locations of Human Existence.
- Senegal has an island made of seashells
- Diamonds put Sierra Leone in this country on the map being the most mined mineral there.
- Kids in Togo are made to remain at home until they get to the age of five. After they cross the age limit, they can go acquire formal education.
- The cultural diversity of West Africa is greater than that of whole Asia in that Nigeria alone has more than 500+ Languages
- The total land area is 6,064,060 Km2 (2,341,346 sq. miles)
- The population of West Africa amounts to 5.16% of the total population of the world.
Here is a map of West Africa that clearly shows the countries in West Africa
Here are some pictures of countries in West Africa:
Praia, Cape Verde
Dakar, Senegal
Lomé, Togo
Porto-Novo, Benin
Niamey, Niger
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Banjul, Gambia
Conakry, Guinea
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
Monrovia, Liberia
Bamako, Mali
What is West Africa Known for? West Africa is known for its best destinations for tourist attractions, wildlife, sandy beaches, untouched landscapes, slavery stories, West African Music and Unesco World Heritage Sites
Hope you liked our article on Is West Africa a Country?!
100+ Happy Jamhuri Day Messages, Greetings and Wishes
5 years agoon
2:26 pmBy
DelvinHere you will find 100+ Happy Jamhuri Day Messages, Greetings and Wishes that you can use to send your friends, workmates and even family. Happy Jamhuri Day!
100+ Happy Jamhuri Day Messages, Greetings and Wishes:
- This Jamhuri Day, may you enjoy the freedom not only the one enshrined in our constitution; but may you be blessed with the freedom of mind, thought and spirit!
- I pledge that the labor of our past heroes shall not be in vain. Happy Jamhuri Day
- Happy Jamhuri Day to everyone, I wish you all faith in the words, freedom in the mind and pride in your souls. Let’s salute this glorious nation on its Independence Day!
- Let us strive to maintain the unity and diversity of this great nation of ours. Wishing you a very Happy Jamhuri Day.
- Happy Jamhuri Day to the dearest citizens of Kenya. We all should proud of our country and love it.
- As We Celebrate On This Day, Remember That No Nation Is Perfect, It Needs To Be Made Perfect, Happy Jamhuri Day, Proud to be a Kenyan
- Let’s not forget that this independence has come after a long and huge struggle. Respect it and love it. Happy Jamhuri Day.
- Thousands of soldiers laid down their lives so that we can live freely. Obliged to the martyrs. Happy Jamhuri Day!!
- As we celebrate our nation’s independence, let’s remember our past leaders who lost their lives in the battle for the freedom we are enjoying today. Have a wonderful Jamhuri Day!
- We hold our heads high, despite the price we have paid, because freedom is priceless. Wishing you a happy Jamhuri Day!
- May we always have the freedom to choose, freedom to live and freedom to dream. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Jamhuri Day is both an occasion to celebrate and to remember the struggles of those who fought to give us this gift. Happy 12th December.
- It is better to have liberty with danger than peace with slavery. Let’s take this day to think about of our past and resolve to build a better future for our country. Wishing you a Happy Jamhuri Day!
- I wish you all a safe and happy Jamhuri Day celebration.
Best Happy Jamhuri Day Messages:
- Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country! Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better. Wishing you a happy Jamhuri Day
- This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as It Is the home of the brave. Have a wonderful and prosperous Jamhuri Day.
- Liberty isn’t given, it is taken. Freedom is a precious gift that all of us enjoy. May it remain this way. We are a nation, built on harmony, development, prosperity and peace, achieving a milestone for a better future. Happy Jamhuri Day 2019
- Thousands laid down their lives to make us breathe this day. Never forget their sacrifice. Happy Jamhuri Day
- It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. Let every patriot be honored, don’t let politics get in the way, without them we would never have this freedom. Happy Jamhuri Day.
- Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Nothing is as good as living in an independent and self-sustaining nation. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Best wishes and happy Jamhuri Day!
- Proud to be Kenyan!
- We will always preserve the freedom for which our freedom fighters laid down their lives. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Salute to our Martyrs who laid their lives for us..Happy Jamhuri Day to you, your family and friends.
- Freedom should not be something you have to deserve. It’s something you just naturally have. Something that no one can take away from you. Let’s celebrate Freedom!
- Freedom fighters had a dream for the Kenya. Let us realize that dream by working hard for the development of our motherland. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Celebrate hard-won freedom …honour the founding of your homeland … free from foreign rule … Happy December 12th
- If a man takes away someone’s freedom, he no longer has his freedom as well. We need to unite and fight against people who think they have the right to own other people’s lives. Happy Jamhuri Day! Let’s all celebrate the great Freedom we have in our country Kenya!
- Independence Day is both … an occasion to celebrate … and to remember the struggles of those who fought to give us this gift; Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Freedom is the most precious thing in every human’s life. No one has a right to take it away, and we need to do everything to protect our society from cruelty and violence. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Our freedom fighters gave us a great lesson. Never to lose hope no matter how tough the situation is. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- It makes my heart beat with pride,to see the colors of Independence Day spreading happiness and great joys all around. May the glory of Independence Day Be with your forever.
- Freedom is for everyone. It doesn’t see colors or shapes. We’ve had enough of hate and violence, and now we need to build our new future, full of love and understanding. Let’s raise our glasses to Independence Day!
Best Happy Jamhuri Day Messages:
- Today we are free because of the efforts of our freedom fighters. We promise that we will always cherish our freedom. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Rejoice in the spirit of independent Kenya soaring to dizzy heights… blessed to have the freedom to soar the unbound sky
- So blessed to be here today. Blessed to have a right to speak and to be heard. A right no one can take away from me. Let’s raise our glasses to the future full of understanding, appreciation and gratitude.
- Thank God, I was born in a free Kenya. This is because of the sacrifices made by our great freedom fighters. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Celebrate the free spirit of Kenya. May this Independence Day Fills your life happiness and prosperity. Happy Jamhuri Day.
- We all are so different, but there is one thing that unites us and it’s independence. We should honour it and never forget how hard it was to get it. Enjoy this beautiful Independence Day!
- Our forefathers taught us to keep our heads high. Let us make a pledge that we will never again become slaves. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Feel the pride of being the part of such a glorious nation. Here’s sending my warm patriotic wishes to make this day truly memorable.
- Without freedom, we don’t have a name, one vision, one identity, one nation. If our country is worth dying for, during wars, we should also realize that it’s worth living for in time of peace!
- The invaders subjugated us but they were never able to break our spirit. Wishing you a very Happy Jamhuri Day.
- On Independence Day Here’s wising your dreams of a New tomorrow come true… Now and Always Happy Jamhuri Day to you.
- My love for my nation is worthiness. My love for my people is endless. All I desire for my country is happiness. Let me be the first person to wish you a special Happy Jamhuri Day!
- It is because of the vision of our great leaders that Kenya is today striving ahead in all spheres. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Thousands laid down their lives so that, Our country can celebrate this day, Never forget their sacrifices.. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Let’s make a strong decision, to value our nation and never forget the sacrifices of those who gave us freedom. Happy Jamhuri Day!
Best Happy Jamhuri Day Messages:
- Never forget the sacrifices made by our valiant freedom fighters for the independence of our great nation. Wishing everyone a Happy Jamhuri Day.
- Independence is a Precious gift of God. May We Always Remain Independent.A Very Happy Jamhuri Day To You.
- To enjoy independence, we should change our thoughts and perception. Let’s appreciate our freedom fighters. Happy Jamhuri Day.
- We are indebted to our national heroes who lost their lives in the battle for freedom. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- May the Kenyan flag, Always fly high…Warm wishes on…The grand occasion of Independence Day
- It makes my heart beat with pride that I am a citizen of such a great country. Happy Jamhuri Day!
- Always keep the spirit of Patriotism, Glowing within you, Proud to be Kenyan.
- Wishing you a Happy Jamhuri Day, May our country progress in everything and everywhere
What exactly is Jamhuri Day celebrated for?
It is a national holiday to commemorate Kenya’s admission to the Commonwealth as a republic in 1964, and the date of the country’s independence from Great Britain in 1963. On December 12, 2021, Jamhuri Day will be celebrated.
What is Jamhuri Day in English?
Republic Day
Hope you Liked our 100+ Happy Jamhuri Day Messages, Greetings and Wishes!
Feel free to send your loved ones a Happy Jamhuri Day Messages!
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